Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Nifty 4240-4180-4140-4100, hll hedge for bears.

Negative beta, safe bet in a weak market
close to support
consider 192 critical.
sl 190 should suffice.
Levels given in an old post.
Strength is above 198-199-200 etc.
should touch 210-220
if 192 continues to hold.

As for nifty the angle of attack on the lower channel is damn sharp
if t2 4180 breaks
t3 4094 opens with interference from 4140 old low.
Go short on something that is doomed and hedge with hll long.
Should be a profitable strategy in theory in a down market.

Its starting to look like 4100 will be visited before 4400-4600-4900
So it might be prudent to lay off the nifty buying for a while.
If you are already long? as i know some people are near 4180. Cut and run below 4170 spot

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