Monday, May 14, 2007

Lots of skepticism on yahoo :)

Nifty call lets see.
entry 100-120?
Should book 50% at 200-240?
And try to hold rest for 300-400...
Also do one thing sell 4300 or 4400 call as quickly as possible , this way you protect yourself from time decay. As it is may target is like 4400-4440 so u don't stand to lose much on the hedge and it saves you maybe 50 pts of time decay on the initial 4000 call

It is quite amusing to see the skepticism among the bulls these days and I don't blame the bulls either.
I am taking profits in delivery even as i continue to trade the long side in fno
Reason is it is not possible to exit at reasonable prices in a crash scenario.
If a stock is still at my funda value or i am holding a loss then of course there are no profits to book :)

Dow is down maybe 10-20 pts and bulls are panicking, without seeing that the dow is up 100 pts from last week's lows :)

yaad rakhna nifty also has a value area 16-17x trailing earnings and mega value area 13-15,
it also has an overbought area 20-22 p.e and mega overbought 25-30
right now only 19x

Goal is to keep the money flowing
As I have mentioned before my most powerful trading systems rely on just 1-2% a week to get rich.
If you look carefully at the recent trading calls, most would have hit t2/t3
some would have breaken out, trend or range? u never know
So trade half the position like its a range and trade other half like its a trend.

If we go down to gap up area 4070-4080 be a buyer small stop under 4060 or so

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